Protecting Your Financial Future

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 bankruptcy — sometimes called a wage earner’s plan — provides an opportunity for those struggling with significant debt burdens to gradually pay off debts while retaining their family home, exempted property and other assets. If you maintain a steady income that is greater than the state’s median average, filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy will set up a debt repayment plan with your creditors and allow you to achieve a fresh start in a few short years.

Stop Foreclosure And Keep Your Family Home

At Cheryl Bergian Law Office, I help people throughout North Dakota and in northwestern Minnesota retake control of their financial lives. If creditors are constantly calling you at home or at work, or if you have received a foreclosure notice on your home, filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy will silence creditors. With the debt collectors off your back, you will have room to pay off past-due mortgage payments, car loans and other debts. Once your repayment period is complete in three to five years, the remaining qualifying debts will be discharged and you will walk away with a clean slate.

Another advantage to Chapter 13 bankruptcy is the ability to extend the repayment periods of nondischargeable debts such as child support, alimony, student loans and tax debts. By working together, I can assess your income and cash flow, and determine the best method for gradually paying your creditors while keeping you in your home.

As your representative, I am here to guide and support you. I understand that filing for bankruptcy can feel like admitting defeat, but it’s important to remember that a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 filing is intended to help you clear away your debts, start over and move forward with your life.

Let An Experienced Bankruptcy Lawyer Help You Get Back On Your Feet

If you face foreclosure on your home or are otherwise struggling to keep up financially, reach out to Cheryl Bergian Law Office by calling 701-297-2501 or sending me an email. I help clients throughout North Dakota and in northwestern Minnesota understand the bankruptcy means test, file a bankruptcy petition and achieve financial relief.

You can schedule a private, 30-minute phone consultation when you click this link. Make a 45-minute appointment by clicking here.

My firm is a debt relief agency. I help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.